So You're About to Be a Dad...
This will be the biggest change you ever experience.
Important Things You Need To Know Before Your First Baby is Born
Congrats! You’re having a baby.
This will be the most exciting and possibly stressful time in a man’s life. Having your first child moves you into the next phase of manhood and gives you an opportunity to share the culmination of all life’s lessons with your little one. Before he’s old enough to understand how to throw a baseball or say “Da-Da”, there are a few months of tension-filled learning you will have to endure. Know that it’s all happening to make certain the baby is on the right track to becoming a happy, healthy little kid. Not sure what to expect? Let’s break it down into ten important things you need to know before your first baby is born.
Baby’s Homecoming
Before you leave for the hospital, make sure you know how to install the car seat properly! Most hospitals won’t allow you to take the baby home without it. After the stress of labor, delivery and some time in the hospital, the last thing you want to do is delay your trip home because your car seat isn’t installed correctly.
To prepare for a successful homecoming, you’ve got to make sure the baby will have their own space during the night and day, which means you need the right equipment. A crib or bassinet, a high chair, and something to plop them down in while you handle your day to day responsibilities is crucial. You’ll need enough clothes for at least a week, plenty of diapers, ointment for the diaper, wet wipes, bottles, and formula (unless mom is breast feeding).
As for their clothes, you need at least a weeks worth, but be prepared to change them several times per day due to accidents brought on by piss, poop and puke. So really plan for three or four outfits per day. Also account for the fact that babies grow fast, so the clothes that fit in month one likely won’t fit in month two. As seasons and temperatures change, make sure you have appropriate clothes to keep the baby cool or warm.
For the more safety-conscious (or paranoid) parent, having a video monitor over their crib is also a good idea so you can keep tabs on them while they sleep. I do recommend this as it’ll bring you peace of mind.
Crying Baby = Sleep Depravation
Chances are, you won’t get as much as you’re used to. Every once in awhile, babies come home from the hospital and sleep straight through the night. My first child was this way, and not much changed. We put her to bed by 7:30pm and she slept until 7:30am. It was awesome. Everyone would comment about how lucky and spoiled we were, but having nothing to compare to we just brushed these comments off as nonsense. We felt everyone was exaggerating or being dramatic.
Almost two years later, my son was born. It was at that moment we realized the sobering reality of what everyone had been referencing. This little guy woke up every 45 to 90 minutes for the first three months of his life! 99% of the time my wife got out of bed to care for him, but it still woke me up, causing me to get very little sleep. This impacts energy levels, memory, ability to work out, and performance at work. You will need caffeine to get through your days. It is just brutal. The cries are skull piercing as they progressively get louder and more desperate.
You feel helpless because there isn’t much you can do to help. It’s just a seemingly endless cycle of not sleeping and being tired. Be forewarned.
New Baby Procedures
Changing diapers. Giving baths. Feeding. Getting them dressed. Making sure they eat enough. Burping them. All of these things must be done correctly and safely, so get familiar in advance by reading up on them. There are plenty of videos and tutorials on the correct way to do things, so spend some time preparing so you don’t get overwhelmed with new procedures once you take your baby home. Unless you cared for younger siblings or cousins in other parts of your life, chances are this is all foreign to you. You’re clueless about how to do many of these things, as I was. Spend some time getting familiar with the concepts so you can hit the ground running once you bring your baby home.
Thinking and Planning Ahead
My wife jokes that it takes an hour just to get out of the house, but she isn’t exaggerating . Everything you do will require more time. You are responsible for the health and safety of a little life, and with that comes additional tasks. When you take them out of the house, you need a fully stocked diaper bag that should include diapers, wet wipes, ointment, a burp cloth, a binky, a bottle with some additional milk/formula and a change of clothes for the little one. These are the bare necessities. Don’t expect your baby to cooperate, either. They’re going to cry, thrash, and resist many of the things you’re attempting to get them to do, so bake in more time for things you think won’t take long.
If you and mom both plan to go back to work, you will also need childcare. This isn’t a decision you want to make in a pinch when the pressure is on. Figure this out in advance. Will your parents be helping to shoulder the load? Are you planning to hire a sitter? Is there a day care nearby? Make sure these options are reliable, affordable, and safe. The last thing you need is to be worrying about who’s watching your baby while you earn a living.
Days go by fast, and there will be times you and your wife will forget to eat. Food delivery service is great in a pinch, but man does that get pricey. On top of that, it’s extremely difficult to guarantee you’re eating healthy if every meal is ordered from a restaurant, so to avoid packing on the pounds you must take more control over your personal nutrition. You’ll recognize the need to plan your meals ahead, which means grocery shopping and meal prep will start to become part of your weekly routines. Starting to feel like your parents yet?
Babies Are Expensive
You already have a laundry list of stuff to buy, and now you’re adding a whole bunch of new expenses. To avoid being financially crushed by this, plan in advance. Understand how much baby supplies, food, doctors visits and childcare cost, and budget for them. Include a category for unforeseen expenses so that when unexpected things happen, you aren’t pinching pennies or tapping into your savings.
Family, friends and co-workers are usually willing to help! A few months before your first child is due, set up a baby registry on Amazon with your wife. This will help cover the costs of some essential expenses. Don’t feel weird about this, as it’s totally common these days. In fact, people expect to send you a baby gift. Might as well be something you need!
Routines and Rituals
Start thinking about the repeatable routines you’ll use to get your baby comfortable with everything that needs to be done in a day. Their wake-up, feeding, bath, nap and nighttime sleep routines are essential to getting them used to life outside the womb. Plan a bedtime routine to help them relax, increasing your odds of them sleeping well. If you simply wing this without any structure, the chaos will eventually overwhelm you as your child will become unpredictable and undisciplined.
Baby Safety
Babies are fragile, and lots of things can harm them. Since they can’t speak, communication is challenging, so paying close attention to their vital signs and variations of crying is key. What’s also essential is understanding how to act in the event of an emergency. If the kid is choking, not breathing, coughing, has a high fever, isn’t pooping/peeing, or breaks out in a rash, what do you do? Have you studied up on these emergency situations? Like any health concern, time is of the essence and if you are relying on a Google search to tell you how to tend to a choking baby, you are setting yourself up for failure and potential heartbreak. Study it beforehand so you can act quickly and decisively. I know deep down you would do anything for your baby, so take the time to prepare now.
Take comfort in knowing that statistically, your involvement is crucial to your baby’s survival. A study of 1,397,801 infants in Florida evaluated how a lack of father involvement impacts infant mortality. Researchers found that father absence increases the risk of infant mortality, and that the mortality rate for infants within the first 28 days of life is four times higher for those with absent fathers than those with involved fathers. Just showing up is half the battle!
You'll Become Desensitized
Get ready to be exposed to some gross stuff. Urine, poop, vomit, boogers and spit to be exact. Those vile bodily productions are accompanied by weird smells, ruined clothing, and lots of dirty diapers. At some point, the baby is going to soil you with any and all of these bodily fluids. The first time it happens will likely startle you and gross you out. Just know that it will not stop for a long time, and after the first few incidents you’ll get used to it.
When traveling or attending an event, bring an extra shirt and pants for yourself in case your baby’s diaper has technical difficulties. Wear older clothes around the house, understanding that there is a good chance you’ll be spit up on every day. White t-shirts handle those stains best.
She’s a Mom First
You won’t be bouncing around town to restaurants, bars, parties, or events anytime soon. And the sex will either stop or seriously slow down. Oh, and if you emotionally rely on lots of attention from her, this will also come to a screeching halt. You are no longer the top priority to her, which is painful to accept, but sobering to realize. However, all is not lost. This experience does bring you closer together. You’ve created a human being, and you’re raising them under your roof and under your joint rules. You’re king and queen of the castle, and your children follow your lead. Going through this together is truly something special, and it creates a true lifetime bond.
There will be frustrating moments where you’ll be at each other’s throats, maybe saying things you don’t mean out of anger and exhaustion brought on by lack of sleep. This is normal. Just remember, your wife sacrificed everything to carry this baby for nearly ten months, subjecting her body to all sorts of traumatic things. If you watched the live birth or c-section, you know what I mean. I personally am glad I’m not a woman, because I’d never want to go through the pregnancy and childbirth process. Massive respect for the millions of women who do it every year. The human race wouldn’t continue without you!
New Priorities
Unsurprisingly, your mindset will begin to evolve, and the things that used to be important will be lower priority. Pressing issues involving the health and happiness of your baby and wife will take priority over things you used to stress over. This is okay, and very normal, as your are adapting to a new way of living. Dad is making sure the essentials get done. It may mean skipping that baseball game, sitting out this season of men’s league hockey, making those work meetings virtual, or recording your favorite TV show instead of watching it live. Change can be difficult, and letting go of who you were is essential for becoming the man you are meant to be.
Being a father is the greatest experience for any man. It’s why you started experiencing sexual urges as a young boy and why you spent time trying to look your best in your twenties. The driving force behind attraction is the desire to procreate, and it’s the reason you put in the effort to get to know the mother of your children. These physical urges push us to reproduce, ensuring the survival of genetic lineage, while giving us the opportunity to become the greatest version of ourselves. Fatherhood offers us a chance at true mastery; one only becomes a master when they’re able to teach their craft to someone else.
As George Herbert said, “One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.”
This will be the most exciting and possibly stressful time in a man’s life. Having your first child moves you into the next phase of manhood and gives you an opportunity to share the culmination of all life’s lessons with your little one. Before he’s old enough to understand how to throw a baseball or say “Da-Da”, there are a few months of tension-filled learning you will have to endure. Know that it’s all happening to make certain the baby is on the right track to becoming a happy, healthy little kid. Not sure what to expect? Let’s break it down into ten important things you need to know before your first baby is born.
Baby’s Homecoming
Before you leave for the hospital, make sure you know how to install the car seat properly! Most hospitals won’t allow you to take the baby home without it. After the stress of labor, delivery and some time in the hospital, the last thing you want to do is delay your trip home because your car seat isn’t installed correctly.
To prepare for a successful homecoming, you’ve got to make sure the baby will have their own space during the night and day, which means you need the right equipment. A crib or bassinet, a high chair, and something to plop them down in while you handle your day to day responsibilities is crucial. You’ll need enough clothes for at least a week, plenty of diapers, ointment for the diaper, wet wipes, bottles, and formula (unless mom is breast feeding).
As for their clothes, you need at least a weeks worth, but be prepared to change them several times per day due to accidents brought on by piss, poop and puke. So really plan for three or four outfits per day. Also account for the fact that babies grow fast, so the clothes that fit in month one likely won’t fit in month two. As seasons and temperatures change, make sure you have appropriate clothes to keep the baby cool or warm.
For the more safety-conscious (or paranoid) parent, having a video monitor over their crib is also a good idea so you can keep tabs on them while they sleep. I do recommend this as it’ll bring you peace of mind.
Crying Baby = Sleep Depravation
Chances are, you won’t get as much as you’re used to. Every once in awhile, babies come home from the hospital and sleep straight through the night. My first child was this way, and not much changed. We put her to bed by 7:30pm and she slept until 7:30am. It was awesome. Everyone would comment about how lucky and spoiled we were, but having nothing to compare to we just brushed these comments off as nonsense. We felt everyone was exaggerating or being dramatic.
Almost two years later, my son was born. It was at that moment we realized the sobering reality of what everyone had been referencing. This little guy woke up every 45 to 90 minutes for the first three months of his life! 99% of the time my wife got out of bed to care for him, but it still woke me up, causing me to get very little sleep. This impacts energy levels, memory, ability to work out, and performance at work. You will need caffeine to get through your days. It is just brutal. The cries are skull piercing as they progressively get louder and more desperate.
You feel helpless because there isn’t much you can do to help. It’s just a seemingly endless cycle of not sleeping and being tired. Be forewarned.
New Baby Procedures
Changing diapers. Giving baths. Feeding. Getting them dressed. Making sure they eat enough. Burping them. All of these things must be done correctly and safely, so get familiar in advance by reading up on them. There are plenty of videos and tutorials on the correct way to do things, so spend some time preparing so you don’t get overwhelmed with new procedures once you take your baby home. Unless you cared for younger siblings or cousins in other parts of your life, chances are this is all foreign to you. You’re clueless about how to do many of these things, as I was. Spend some time getting familiar with the concepts so you can hit the ground running once you bring your baby home.
Thinking and Planning Ahead
My wife jokes that it takes an hour just to get out of the house, but she isn’t exaggerating . Everything you do will require more time. You are responsible for the health and safety of a little life, and with that comes additional tasks. When you take them out of the house, you need a fully stocked diaper bag that should include diapers, wet wipes, ointment, a burp cloth, a binky, a bottle with some additional milk/formula and a change of clothes for the little one. These are the bare necessities. Don’t expect your baby to cooperate, either. They’re going to cry, thrash, and resist many of the things you’re attempting to get them to do, so bake in more time for things you think won’t take long.
If you and mom both plan to go back to work, you will also need childcare. This isn’t a decision you want to make in a pinch when the pressure is on. Figure this out in advance. Will your parents be helping to shoulder the load? Are you planning to hire a sitter? Is there a day care nearby? Make sure these options are reliable, affordable, and safe. The last thing you need is to be worrying about who’s watching your baby while you earn a living.
Days go by fast, and there will be times you and your wife will forget to eat. Food delivery service is great in a pinch, but man does that get pricey. On top of that, it’s extremely difficult to guarantee you’re eating healthy if every meal is ordered from a restaurant, so to avoid packing on the pounds you must take more control over your personal nutrition. You’ll recognize the need to plan your meals ahead, which means grocery shopping and meal prep will start to become part of your weekly routines. Starting to feel like your parents yet?
Babies Are Expensive
You already have a laundry list of stuff to buy, and now you’re adding a whole bunch of new expenses. To avoid being financially crushed by this, plan in advance. Understand how much baby supplies, food, doctors visits and childcare cost, and budget for them. Include a category for unforeseen expenses so that when unexpected things happen, you aren’t pinching pennies or tapping into your savings.
Family, friends and co-workers are usually willing to help! A few months before your first child is due, set up a baby registry on Amazon with your wife. This will help cover the costs of some essential expenses. Don’t feel weird about this, as it’s totally common these days. In fact, people expect to send you a baby gift. Might as well be something you need!
Routines and Rituals
Start thinking about the repeatable routines you’ll use to get your baby comfortable with everything that needs to be done in a day. Their wake-up, feeding, bath, nap and nighttime sleep routines are essential to getting them used to life outside the womb. Plan a bedtime routine to help them relax, increasing your odds of them sleeping well. If you simply wing this without any structure, the chaos will eventually overwhelm you as your child will become unpredictable and undisciplined.
Baby Safety
Babies are fragile, and lots of things can harm them. Since they can’t speak, communication is challenging, so paying close attention to their vital signs and variations of crying is key. What’s also essential is understanding how to act in the event of an emergency. If the kid is choking, not breathing, coughing, has a high fever, isn’t pooping/peeing, or breaks out in a rash, what do you do? Have you studied up on these emergency situations? Like any health concern, time is of the essence and if you are relying on a Google search to tell you how to tend to a choking baby, you are setting yourself up for failure and potential heartbreak. Study it beforehand so you can act quickly and decisively. I know deep down you would do anything for your baby, so take the time to prepare now.
Take comfort in knowing that statistically, your involvement is crucial to your baby’s survival. A study of 1,397,801 infants in Florida evaluated how a lack of father involvement impacts infant mortality. Researchers found that father absence increases the risk of infant mortality, and that the mortality rate for infants within the first 28 days of life is four times higher for those with absent fathers than those with involved fathers. Just showing up is half the battle!
You'll Become Desensitized
Get ready to be exposed to some gross stuff. Urine, poop, vomit, boogers and spit to be exact. Those vile bodily productions are accompanied by weird smells, ruined clothing, and lots of dirty diapers. At some point, the baby is going to soil you with any and all of these bodily fluids. The first time it happens will likely startle you and gross you out. Just know that it will not stop for a long time, and after the first few incidents you’ll get used to it.
When traveling or attending an event, bring an extra shirt and pants for yourself in case your baby’s diaper has technical difficulties. Wear older clothes around the house, understanding that there is a good chance you’ll be spit up on every day. White t-shirts handle those stains best.
She’s a Mom First
You won’t be bouncing around town to restaurants, bars, parties, or events anytime soon. And the sex will either stop or seriously slow down. Oh, and if you emotionally rely on lots of attention from her, this will also come to a screeching halt. You are no longer the top priority to her, which is painful to accept, but sobering to realize. However, all is not lost. This experience does bring you closer together. You’ve created a human being, and you’re raising them under your roof and under your joint rules. You’re king and queen of the castle, and your children follow your lead. Going through this together is truly something special, and it creates a true lifetime bond.
There will be frustrating moments where you’ll be at each other’s throats, maybe saying things you don’t mean out of anger and exhaustion brought on by lack of sleep. This is normal. Just remember, your wife sacrificed everything to carry this baby for nearly ten months, subjecting her body to all sorts of traumatic things. If you watched the live birth or c-section, you know what I mean. I personally am glad I’m not a woman, because I’d never want to go through the pregnancy and childbirth process. Massive respect for the millions of women who do it every year. The human race wouldn’t continue without you!
New Priorities
Unsurprisingly, your mindset will begin to evolve, and the things that used to be important will be lower priority. Pressing issues involving the health and happiness of your baby and wife will take priority over things you used to stress over. This is okay, and very normal, as your are adapting to a new way of living. Dad is making sure the essentials get done. It may mean skipping that baseball game, sitting out this season of men’s league hockey, making those work meetings virtual, or recording your favorite TV show instead of watching it live. Change can be difficult, and letting go of who you were is essential for becoming the man you are meant to be.
Being a father is the greatest experience for any man. It’s why you started experiencing sexual urges as a young boy and why you spent time trying to look your best in your twenties. The driving force behind attraction is the desire to procreate, and it’s the reason you put in the effort to get to know the mother of your children. These physical urges push us to reproduce, ensuring the survival of genetic lineage, while giving us the opportunity to become the greatest version of ourselves. Fatherhood offers us a chance at true mastery; one only becomes a master when they’re able to teach their craft to someone else.
As George Herbert said, “One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.”
How to Pack Your Hospital Bag Before Baby Arrives
Saddle up! She’s pregnant and the big day is approaching. If this is your first time becoming a dad, it’s going to be an overwhelmingly happy and scary experience. There will be lots to prepare before the big day, including getting the crib, changing table, and clothes ready.
Through all of the preparation you’ll be doing, don’t forget to prepare for your time in the hospital, because waiting until the last minute will leave you scrambling. Don’t worry, Entering Manhood has you covered so you know how to pack your hospital bag before baby arrives.
Whether it’s a vaginal birth or a c-section, you’re going to likely spend at least one night overnight in the hospital with mom and your new baby. So, this requires you to pack a hospital bag in preparation for the big day. Knowing you’ll be there awhile, here are some of the essentials you can consider when putting together this bag.
The Actual Bag
This isn’t a vacation, so you don’t need a suitcase. However, make sure the bag is big enough to hold the essentials, while also being small enough to carry around with ease. You don’t want to be lugging this monstrous luggage through the hospital as your lady is experiencing contractions
Change of Clothes in Your Hospital Bag
Accept the fact you’re probably going to be sleeping on an uncomfortable hospital bed, but it doesn’t have to all be bad. You’re going to want comfortable clothing to sleep in, and another outfit to wear the day when you leave. Two days worth of clothes should do the trick, but if she has a long labor remember that the hospital stay could be up to four days long.
Toiletries in Your Hospital Bag
At some point, you’re going to need to freshen up. You’ll likely have access to a bathroom, so ensure you can do it by coming prepared. Include a toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, deodorant, vitamins, aspirin, comb, hair gel, and a razor.
Comfortable Footwear
After a long day you’ll want to kick off the shoes and relax a bit. Packing slippers or sandals and a change of socks is crucial. Walking around a hospital room barefoot is not ideal.
Phone charger
This is a big moment, and you’re going to be taking lots of pictures and video. On top of this, you’ll be exchanging texts and phone calls with family and friends, so you’ve got to be sure you have enough juice to last the twenty four to seventy two hours. Bring a second charger as a backup in case your lady forgets hers.
Snacks and water / beverages
Sadly, you won’t be able to run to the local pizzeria to grab a bite, and labor could last many hours. Some protein bars or trail mix should do the trick. Pack two days worth, and if you need more you could always hit the vending machine.
Cash or credit card
As with everything else in life, get ready to spend a little money. You’ll be grabbing coffee and picking up snacks from the vending machine, so some cash is essential. If you opt for it, the hospital usually has a photographer on site who can take newborn photos, so bring a credit card. I can tell you from experience, these pictures always come out great, and you’ll be glad you have them. Also, if you have another child waiting at home for their new sibling to arrive, you might want to grab something from the gift shop to bring them. This will help them ease into their new reality of sharing the spotlight with a brother or sister.
Baby clothes and car seat
Don’t worry, you won’t have to take the little guy home naked, but be sure to bring a few outfits for him so he’s looking fresh when he gets home. The hospital should supply diapers and wipes, and they do give every baby one of those cute little hats and a blanket to swaddle them in.
As for the car seat, it’s a good idea to understand how to install it beforehand. Hospitals generally won’t discharge mommy and baby without seeing the car seat you plan to take baby home with. The last thing you want to worry about is fumbling with the installation when you’re about to bring your baby home.
Optional – portable speaker
Pre, mid or post labor may be a time for music, depending on her mood. Ask her what she wants to hear and play it from the Bluetooth speaker. She may just tell you she wants quiet. Better to be prepare
Optional – blanket and pillow
The hospital will likely provide this, but if you’re particular about what you sleep with, bring your own. Sleeping on a hospital couch or chair is never comfortable, so you might as well pack something to ease this discomfort.
You’re going to want to have this bag packed and ready to go by the time she’s six months pregnant at the latest. Remember, she can go into labor at any time, and you want to be ready to go straight to the hospital instead of scrambling to find your toothbrush. Keep it somewhere easy to remember, or even leave it in your car.
Good luck at the hospital! You’re going to do great.
To download our free Hospital Bag Checklist, click here.
Through all of the preparation you’ll be doing, don’t forget to prepare for your time in the hospital, because waiting until the last minute will leave you scrambling. Don’t worry, Entering Manhood has you covered so you know how to pack your hospital bag before baby arrives.
Whether it’s a vaginal birth or a c-section, you’re going to likely spend at least one night overnight in the hospital with mom and your new baby. So, this requires you to pack a hospital bag in preparation for the big day. Knowing you’ll be there awhile, here are some of the essentials you can consider when putting together this bag.
The Actual Bag
This isn’t a vacation, so you don’t need a suitcase. However, make sure the bag is big enough to hold the essentials, while also being small enough to carry around with ease. You don’t want to be lugging this monstrous luggage through the hospital as your lady is experiencing contractions
Change of Clothes in Your Hospital Bag
Accept the fact you’re probably going to be sleeping on an uncomfortable hospital bed, but it doesn’t have to all be bad. You’re going to want comfortable clothing to sleep in, and another outfit to wear the day when you leave. Two days worth of clothes should do the trick, but if she has a long labor remember that the hospital stay could be up to four days long.
Toiletries in Your Hospital Bag
At some point, you’re going to need to freshen up. You’ll likely have access to a bathroom, so ensure you can do it by coming prepared. Include a toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, deodorant, vitamins, aspirin, comb, hair gel, and a razor.
Comfortable Footwear
After a long day you’ll want to kick off the shoes and relax a bit. Packing slippers or sandals and a change of socks is crucial. Walking around a hospital room barefoot is not ideal.
Phone charger
This is a big moment, and you’re going to be taking lots of pictures and video. On top of this, you’ll be exchanging texts and phone calls with family and friends, so you’ve got to be sure you have enough juice to last the twenty four to seventy two hours. Bring a second charger as a backup in case your lady forgets hers.
Snacks and water / beverages
Sadly, you won’t be able to run to the local pizzeria to grab a bite, and labor could last many hours. Some protein bars or trail mix should do the trick. Pack two days worth, and if you need more you could always hit the vending machine.
Cash or credit card
As with everything else in life, get ready to spend a little money. You’ll be grabbing coffee and picking up snacks from the vending machine, so some cash is essential. If you opt for it, the hospital usually has a photographer on site who can take newborn photos, so bring a credit card. I can tell you from experience, these pictures always come out great, and you’ll be glad you have them. Also, if you have another child waiting at home for their new sibling to arrive, you might want to grab something from the gift shop to bring them. This will help them ease into their new reality of sharing the spotlight with a brother or sister.
Baby clothes and car seat
Don’t worry, you won’t have to take the little guy home naked, but be sure to bring a few outfits for him so he’s looking fresh when he gets home. The hospital should supply diapers and wipes, and they do give every baby one of those cute little hats and a blanket to swaddle them in.
As for the car seat, it’s a good idea to understand how to install it beforehand. Hospitals generally won’t discharge mommy and baby without seeing the car seat you plan to take baby home with. The last thing you want to worry about is fumbling with the installation when you’re about to bring your baby home.
Optional – portable speaker
Pre, mid or post labor may be a time for music, depending on her mood. Ask her what she wants to hear and play it from the Bluetooth speaker. She may just tell you she wants quiet. Better to be prepare
Optional – blanket and pillow
The hospital will likely provide this, but if you’re particular about what you sleep with, bring your own. Sleeping on a hospital couch or chair is never comfortable, so you might as well pack something to ease this discomfort.
You’re going to want to have this bag packed and ready to go by the time she’s six months pregnant at the latest. Remember, she can go into labor at any time, and you want to be ready to go straight to the hospital instead of scrambling to find your toothbrush. Keep it somewhere easy to remember, or even leave it in your car.
Good luck at the hospital! You’re going to do great.
To download our free Hospital Bag Checklist, click here.
Advice for First Time Dads
Becoming a father for the first time can be a life-changing and exciting experience, but it can also be filled with uncertainty and questions. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for fatherhood:
- Educate yourself about pregnancy and childbirth. Read books, attend classes and talk to other fathers and healthcare professionals to learn about the physical and emotional changes your partner will experience during pregnancy and childbirth.
- Be involved in your partner's pregnancy. Attend doctor's appointments, participate in prenatal classes and offer emotional support to your partner.
- Start planning for the financial aspect of having a child. Having a baby can be expensive, so start saving and budgeting as early as possible.
- Get your home and life ready for a new arrival. This includes childproofing your home, setting up a nursery, and preparing for the added responsibilities of being a parent.
- Make time for self-care. Being a new father can be stressful and overwhelming, so make sure you take care of yourself physically and mentally.
- Build a support system. Having a network of friends, family, and other fathers who can offer advice and support can be invaluable as you navigate the ups and downs of fatherhood.
- Be open to learning and growing. Being a parent is a continuous learning process, and being open to new ideas and perspectives can help you become a better father.
The First 3 Months
As you embark on this new journey, there are a few important things to anticipate during the first three months of your baby's life.
- Sleep Deprivation: The first thing to anticipate is a lack of sleep. Newborns typically wake up every 2-3 hours to feed, which means that your sleep schedule will be disrupted. It's important to remember that this is a temporary phase and that you will eventually adapt to the new schedule.
- Feeding: Feeding your baby is a full-time job in itself. Whether you choose to breastfeed or formula feed, you will need to be prepared for frequent feedings. Be sure to educate yourself on the proper techniques to ensure your baby is getting enough milk.
- Diapers: Be prepared for a lot of diapers! Newborns typically go through 8-12 diapers per day. Be sure to stock up on diapers and wipes.
- Crying: Crying is a baby's way of communicating. It can be frustrating, but it's important to remember that your baby is not crying to upset you. Crying can be a sign of hunger, discomfort, or being tired. It's important to understand your baby's cues and try to address them as quickly as possible.
- Bonding: The first three months of your baby's life are a crucial time for bonding. Take advantage of this time to form a strong bond with your child. This can be done through skin-to-skin contact, talking to your baby, and responding to their needs.
- Support system: As a new father, you may feel overwhelmed at times. It's important to have a support system in place, whether it be family, friends, or a support group for new parents. Don't be afraid to ask for help or advice when needed.
Grossest Things New Dads Experience
As exhilarating as fatherhood can be, it comes with some unpleasant surprises. Be prepared for some of the more unsavory aspects of your wife's pregnancy and your newborn infant. This includes the following:
- Morning Sickness: Your wife may experience morning sickness during the first trimester of her pregnancy. This can include nausea, vomiting, and aversions to certain foods. As a supportive partner, it's important to be understanding and help her through this difficult time.
- Hemorrhoids: Pregnancy can cause hemorrhoids, which can be uncomfortable and painful. Your wife may need your help and support in managing this condition.
- Vaginal discharge: As your wife's body prepares for childbirth, she may experience an increase in vaginal discharge. It's important to be understanding and supportive during this time.
- Afterbirth: After your baby is born, your wife will experience postpartum bleeding, also known as lochia. This can last for several weeks and can be heavy at times. It's important to be prepared for this and to understand that it is a normal part of the postpartum recovery process.
- Diaper Duty: As a new father, you will be responsible for changing many dirty diapers. This can be a less than pleasant task, but it's an important part of being a parent. Be prepared for the smell and mess that comes with this responsibility.
- Spit-up: Newborns often spit up after eating. It can be a messy and unpleasant experience, but it's a normal part of a baby's development.
Baby-Proofing Your Home: Need to Know
With fatherhood comes lots of responsibilities, the largest of which is keeping your family safe. To ensure your new baby starts life off on the right foot, you'll need to do is baby proof your home. Here are some tips to help you get started:
- Identify hazards: Take a walk through your home and identify any potential hazards. Look for sharp edges, small objects, and anything else that could be dangerous to a curious and crawling baby.
- Use safety gates: Safety gates can be used to block off areas of the house that are not safe for your baby. This could include stairways, kitchens, and bathrooms.
- Secure furniture: Make sure that all furniture is securely anchored to the wall to prevent it from tipping over.
- Cover electrical outlets: Cover all electrical outlets to prevent your baby from inserting small objects into them.
- Lock up chemicals and medicines: Keep all chemicals and medicines locked up and out of reach of your baby.
- Install window guards: If you live in a multi-story building, it's important to install window guards to prevent your baby from falling out of an open window.
- Keep an eye on your baby: Even with all the safety measures in place, it's important to keep an eye on your baby at all times. Never leave your baby alone in a room or on a surface that is not safe.
- Be aware of choking hazards: Be aware of the size of objects that your baby can put in their mouth and the small toys, beads, or other items that may be choking hazards.
Understanding the Pregnancy Journey
Becoming a dad for the first time can be an exciting and overwhelming experience. As you embark on this new journey, it can be helpful to have an understanding of what to expect during each phase of your partner's pregnancy.
First Trimester (weeks 1-12):
This is the beginning of your partner's pregnancy, and it can be an exciting but nerve-wracking time. She may experience morning sickness, fatigue, and mood swings. During this time, your partner will have her first prenatal check-up, where you can hear your baby's heartbeat for the first time and see the baby on an ultrasound.
Second Trimester (weeks 13-28):
Your partner's morning sickness will likely subside during this time, and she may start to feel more energetic. Her belly will start to grow, and you may be able to feel your baby move for the first time. Your partner will have several prenatal check-ups during this time, and you will be able to learn more about your baby's development.
Third Trimester (weeks 29-40):
Your partner will be in the final stretch of her pregnancy, and her belly will be quite large. She may experience some discomfort, such as back pain and difficulty sleeping. Your baby will continue to grow and develop, and you may be able to feel more distinct movements. Your partner will have several prenatal check-ups during this time, and you will be able to learn more about your baby's development.
Keep in mind that every pregnancy is different, and that your partner's experience may vary. Be supportive of her needs during this time, and remember that this is a special and exciting time for both of you.
During this journey, you will have the opportunity to bond with your partner, to learn about the baby development, and to prepare for the arrival of your newborn. It's a time of excitement, joy, and love, but also a time of challenges, so it's imperative to show patience, while communicating with your partner as much as possible. You will be a dad soon, and you will be ready to face any challenge that comes along with it.
First Trimester (weeks 1-12):
This is the beginning of your partner's pregnancy, and it can be an exciting but nerve-wracking time. She may experience morning sickness, fatigue, and mood swings. During this time, your partner will have her first prenatal check-up, where you can hear your baby's heartbeat for the first time and see the baby on an ultrasound.
Second Trimester (weeks 13-28):
Your partner's morning sickness will likely subside during this time, and she may start to feel more energetic. Her belly will start to grow, and you may be able to feel your baby move for the first time. Your partner will have several prenatal check-ups during this time, and you will be able to learn more about your baby's development.
Third Trimester (weeks 29-40):
Your partner will be in the final stretch of her pregnancy, and her belly will be quite large. She may experience some discomfort, such as back pain and difficulty sleeping. Your baby will continue to grow and develop, and you may be able to feel more distinct movements. Your partner will have several prenatal check-ups during this time, and you will be able to learn more about your baby's development.
Keep in mind that every pregnancy is different, and that your partner's experience may vary. Be supportive of her needs during this time, and remember that this is a special and exciting time for both of you.
During this journey, you will have the opportunity to bond with your partner, to learn about the baby development, and to prepare for the arrival of your newborn. It's a time of excitement, joy, and love, but also a time of challenges, so it's imperative to show patience, while communicating with your partner as much as possible. You will be a dad soon, and you will be ready to face any challenge that comes along with it.
Equipment to Buy for Your New Baby
As a soon-to-be first-time dad, the journey of pregnancy can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. With each passing month, you'll witness your partner's body change, and your child grow. This massive live change brings many new things to think about, including the equipment you will need to buy before the baby arrives.
Here are some essential items that you should consider purchasing:
Babies grow quickly and you may need to purchase additional items frequently. Be forewarned: as a new dad, it can be easy to get caught up in buying all of the latest gadgets and accessories. The most important thing is to have the essentials for your baby's safety and comfort.
Here are some essential items that you should consider purchasing:
- Crib and mattress: A safe and comfortable crib is essential for your baby to sleep in. Make sure to choose a crib that meets safety standards and has a firm mattress.
- Car seat: A car seat is a legal requirement and it's essential to have it before your baby comes home from the hospital.
- Diaper bag: A good-quality diaper bag is essential for carrying all of your baby's essentials when you're on the go.
- Stroller: A stroller is a must-have for getting out and about with your baby. Consider your lifestyle and budget when choosing a stroller.
- Baby monitor: A baby monitor allows you to keep an eye on your baby when you're in another room.
- Clothing: Your baby will need a variety of clothing, including onesies, sleepers, and outfits. Be sure to have an adequate amount of clothes, diapers, and wipes.
- Feeding equipment: Whether you choose to breastfeed or formula feed, you will need a variety of feeding equipment, such as bottles, breast pumps, and formula.
- Bathing equipment: Your baby will need a baby bathtub, hooded towels, and baby wash and lotion.
Babies grow quickly and you may need to purchase additional items frequently. Be forewarned: as a new dad, it can be easy to get caught up in buying all of the latest gadgets and accessories. The most important thing is to have the essentials for your baby's safety and comfort.